An episode of the fifties television series ''You Asked for It'', featuring the following: Pin-up girls, a Skippy Peanut Butter commercial, Oscar-winners Bill and Coo, A Hawaiian cowboy-song singer, another Skippy Peanut Butter commercial, And a reunion of the "Our Gang" kids. (update: someone on another website did some research and it seems this episode aired on the long-defunct DuMont Network. I mention this due to the rarity of shows from the network, which are sought-after by collectors)
September 29, 2024 Subject:
Thank you for uploading
Thank you for uploading
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May 25, 2010 Subject:
It was simpler, they just didn't show it
It was a simpler time, people just hid thing, didn't talk about it, or ignored it. They were just as jade, had as many problems as we do today. But off my soapbox and back to the show. This was really fun to watch and makes me hungry for peanut butter for some reason. If you allergic to peanuts be warned!!!
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August 1, 2009 Subject:
We did ask for this and more
America was simpler in those days, able to accept and appreciate people and activities without being so judgemental. So many people today are jaded. Young people believe creativity began with their generation.
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April 15, 2009 Subject:
I Uploaded This
It's Good!
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April 14, 2009 Subject:
I didn't ask for this...
FANTASTIC Show! Art Baker is a perv...Coo likes to swing...and everybody's gonna get layed! ...AND I GOTTA HAVE MORE PEANUTS! I LOVE PEANUTS! WHAT TIME IS IT?